Tel: 01707 873 944

Courses and Workshops for Floristry, Flower Arranging, Professional and Traditional Crafts
CREDENTIALS: Commercial Floristry Flower Arranging Balloon Artistry
Flower Arranging Credentials
Qualified Flower Arranging Teacher
Gill is a NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) National Teacher and a fully qualified Further Education teacher. As both an experienced and qualified Flower Arranger and Florist Gill has taught Contemporary and Traditional Flower arranging floral art classes and workshops throughout the UK and abroad ; receiving hosts of compliments for their course content and her teaching delivery. Courses are devised to inspire and develop attendees’ skills: Contemporary techniques, leaf manipulation, the Elements and Principles, hand tieds, pedestal, table and free standing décor, Gill can teach them all and is happy to design a bespoke course to suit your needs.
Over 1000 Floral Art demonstration performances
Gill performs Floral Art demonstrations around the UK and abroad as a fully qualified NAFAS Demonstrator, often visiting clubs on an annual or bi-annual basis. Gill’s enthusiasm and love of design results in a host of different demonstration titles, designs and props to suit Club, Open and Area meetings as well as Trade Shows both in the UK and abroad, receiving many accolades and standing ovations.
Why not book Gill for a Floral Art Dem and a workshop to help club finances?
As Gill is an experienced and qualified teacher and demonstrator, Gill often receives bookings to deliver both a floral art performance and then teach a programme of one or two day workshops when asked to travel a distance. Titles and workshops are designed to satisfy each clubs requirements.
Author of Contemporary Floral Art Books
As an Author of Contemporary Floral Art books, Gill has had published 7 different floral art books focused on Contemporary techniques and styles to inspire and teach many different design concepts. Gill is currently working on 3 new titles which will be published in the near future. Passionate about Flower arranging results in Gill continually striving to design and develop new Floral Art techniques for the Floral Art world.
Free Flower Arranging Videos with over Two Million viewings
Gill has always promoted the learning of flower arranging throughout her career. To allow people to learn and develop their Floral Art skills.Gill has produced a range of free flower arranging videos to enable those people not lucky enough to be able to attend courses and workshops the opportunity to have a video teaching session in the comfort of their own home; both on her web-site and through YouTube.
New Designs and New Techniques
Flower Arranging has always been Gill’s passion and she continually strives to design and develop new Floral Art techniques and designs for the Floral Art World.
7 Different Flower Arranging Books to choose from; more on the way!
Booklet 1, Booklet 2, 50 Techniques, Wire Manipulation, Festive Winter, Living Vases, Screens & Structures, NEW - How to Apply the Elements and Principles of Floral Design - 'My little Black Book'
Flower Arranging Books '50 Techniques Used in Contemporary Floral Designs'
Seventy different floral designs of distinction were created and photographed to visually illustrate the “50 Techniques used in Contemporary Floral Design”.
With Gill's expertise in floral design she explored the definitions used by both NAFAS and the florist industry and used her floral design expertise to create designs that depict Gill's interpretation.Â
A flower arranging and floristry book written for experienced flower arrangers and florists and as a learning resource for students studying Contemporary floral design.
By simply 'thumbing' through the pages you can look through the 70 different designs created for the book to perhaps become inspired to use a technique in your next design that gives it even more distinction.
Otherwise step through the alphabetical ordering of the book and thereby use it as a visual reference to identify what a technique looks like when used in a design.
This book also includes photographic ideas of structures and containers which can be self made some of which are featured in Gill’s previously written “Contemporary Floral Design Ideas and Techniques” Booklets: six are from Booklet-2 and one is featured in Booklet-1. The Booklets provide colour photography of the completed design and a written description as to how it can be made.
For the self made containers a collection of photographs are provided to further show the construction methods and are again supported by a comprehensive written description as to how they can be made.
As an experienced Flower Arranging Teacher, Floristry Teacher and Flower Arranging Demonstrator Gill McGregor has specialised in Contemporary Floral Design and knows how important it is to include Contemporary techniques within floral designs to create Floral Designs with distinction.
(UK and NI - other countries vary - see below for details).
"50 Techniques Used in Contemporary Floral Designs".
ISBN 978-0-9929332-0-3. Full colour photography and supporting text, A5 portrait, 56 pages including covers.
ÂŁ9.99 plus postage.
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Flower Arranging Credentials
Gill is a fully qualified teacher of Floral Design and a National NAFAS Teacher.
Gill has performed over a 1000 Floral Art demonstrations to 10s of 1000s of audiences both in the UK and around the world.
As an author Gill has written and had published 7 Flower arranging books each with a different focus to develop Flower arranging skills for beginners to advanced floral art designers.
A Flower arranger since the age of 11, Gill was on the adult flower arrangers, competitor’s circuit at the age of 14; winning a host of different competitions and awards.
At 16, Gill performed her very first Floral Art demonstration and so loved the stage Gill became a qualified Flower Arranging demonstrator to enable Gill to entertain and teach how to create Floral designs before your eyes during her performances.
At the age of 22 Gill became a fully qualified Flower Arranging teacher and taught at FE colleges, symposiums and training events.
Gill teaches all aspects of floral design from Traditional Flower Arranging to Contemporary Floral Art and craft classes and workshops.
For many years Gill was a Floral Art scheme adviser for City and Guilds and wrote the current suite of C&G Levels 1-3 Flower Arranging qualifications.
Flower Arranging has always been Gill’s passion and continually strives to design and develop new Floral Art Techniques and Designs for the Floral Art World.
Floristry Credentials
Gill McGregor NDSF is a fully qualified florist holding the Society of Floristry NDSF Diploma, equivalent to the current Level 5 C&G Floristry qualification.
Gill is also a fully qualified Further Education (FE) teacher and the holder of the Certificate of Education.
Gill's expertise for developing courses has been achieved through her vast experiences from; management in thriving retail floristry businesses in London for 12 years, owning a successful wedding and event decoration company, to heading up the largest Floristry and Flower Arranging Department in a horticultural college whilst successfully achieving a grade One from OFSTEDÂ for 3 consecutive inspections.
Gill’s passion and enthusiasm for teaching and curriculum development resulted in Gill becoming heavily involved in the promotion of the Florist industry and participated in the writing of City and Guilds Floristry qualifications.
Gill has demonstrated Floristry skills and techniques at eminent Floristry shows in the UK, Essen, Paris and Kansas.
Gill received the prestigious City and Guilds silver medal (highest accolade) for her achievement in the Level 4 Floristry Business Procedures qualification in the UK.
Over the years Gill has taught 100s of Floristry students with many running successful businesses in London and the Home Counties.
Courses run in idyllic local settings which include character hotels and approved facilities in the Hertfordshire - London ⁄ Middlesex, Cheshunt, Goffs Oak and Waltham Abbey; dependent on anticipated course delegate numbers. Refreshments are provided.
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